25th Mar - Lots of People!!
There are so many eyes!!!
10th Mar - The State of Things
We're not alone in our sentiments
16th Feb - Things're Changin'
We do be gettin up to some stuff these days
27th Jan - A Wii Adventure
What I've been up to this past week!
Media Recommendations!!

what i've been consuming lately, and if you're anything like me, you'll probably like it too :D


★ Good Omens
★ Doctor Who
★ Jingai-san no Yome (i don't really watch anime anymore but this one is just so cute and bizarre i love it sm <3)


★ Good Omens (again) by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
★ The Book That Wouldn't Burn by Mark Lawrence
★ 101 Fairytales by The Brothers Grimm


★ Cosmo Sheldrake's new EP; Stop The Music
★ The Westerlies
★ This Is How I Go Down by Jazz Emu
★ PIN-EYE by Jhariah
★ Backdraft from PROJECT MILGRAM


★ Animal Crossing (series)
★ Hypnospace Outlaw
★ KinitoPET


★ an animator i really love is Sodikken, they're a huge inspiration to me in terms of my animation style and i think they deserve more love and attention <3
★ webcore is one of my all time favourite aesthetics (hence the special interest) but i've also been getting really into frutiger aero recently, since it was a big part of my life growing up. it brings back so much nostalgia, and the thought that i lived through and actively enjoyed what would become that aesthetic just makes me really happy :]
PROJECT MILGRAM is a really awesome project that tells the story of ten prisoners through a series of music videos, and the audience directly influences the story by voting on whether they think each prisoner is innocent or guilty. my explanation can't really do it justice, so i highly recommend checking it out yourself!!